Friday, December 27, 2013

Lord Thank you for 2013-Happy new 2014!!

Lord, we thank you for the year 2013-you have been our shepherd, you have led us to pastures green, you have set a table before our enemies & you have carried us through- we are forever grateful!
As we reflect back, we had our challenges but you O Lord was loving, caring & faithful enough to carry us through- we are thankful from the bottom of our hearts.
For we understand that challenges will always be there-that's what constitutes life-life comes in many colors, tones &presentations -bit it's not what happens to us; it is our reaction to what happens to us-the attitude we keep in whatever we face & always remembering to cling to the hem of your garment.
For we know that you are our creator & that you have perfect plans for us as promised. So we do not fret or fear, but we stand firm on your promises each single day, walking each & everyday by faith & not by sight! 
Renew our strength oh Lord and redirect us always to focus on whet truly matters!
Help us to be positive contributors to this world & leave it a better place.
Let us aim to preach forgiveness & love & help most people understand the very important issues of life -for we know most people are fighting some kind of battle.
Building relationships that are truly meaningful, helping others carry their loads, creating time to listen to others, sacrificing our resources to help the less fortunate!
Remind us O Lord that your report is  the most important report & it does not matter what anybody says-what you say is the most important report!
Thank you a Lord for all the doors you have opened for us- for healing us- for renewing our minds.
Where we hurt-you have consoled us & healed us-
In our mourning you turned it into dancing O Faithful one! We are thankful
We never lacked in any way-what we have needed thy hand has provided- you have answered our prayers.
Help us to continue clinging  to the hem of your garment O Lord-for that's all we need to pull through
For the hungry, feed them 
For the sick, heal them
For the discouraged, encourage
For the needy, provide 
For the lonely , may they experience your love
Help us O Lord to scale the heights of 2014 O Lord with confidence-knowing that you have gone before us! When you open doors for us-equip us with the confidence to go through for you have perfect plans for us!
We love you this day & forever! 
Happy New Year 2014-The Year of the Lord's favour!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Choosing JOY

Joy is what makes life worth living. Joy is a choice you make.
For many Joy seems very hard to find, but it's not about joy finding you- it's about choosing joy in whatever circumstance that you find yourself.
Two people can be part of the same event; but one may choose to live it quite differently from the other. Choose to trust that what happened or is happening ; painful as it may be, holds a Promise. Build your strength from the promise!God promised us his love- that would be the anchor we can always hold on to whenever we find that our strength has diminished.
So today, and always , remember to choose JOY- it's all about the attitude you keep while on the journey...Make the right choice - to be happy-Happy Living!

Monday, October 28, 2013

Why I Dream!
From so far I have come so exhausted I think I will drop
But I can see a streak of light, a glimmer of hope, my dreams give me to hold on to a rope
To steer me as in the dark; I grope! When the days are cold and grey with my dreams I manage to live day after day! And when my moods swing low & blue; my only hope is that my dreams will be true~
I face live's challenges today; but in my heart silently pray, that all my hopes for tomorrow~ will make it a better day.In the midst of despair, I build castles in the air. A smile lights up my face... Mentally am detached from this place.
An image forms in my mind's eye~ to another place I fly ... There I see success and happiness - my every wish fulfilled. Suddenly to reality I return- seemingly nothing changed...but wait...I find myself revitalized .
To make my dream a reality- wishful thinking it might seem; but simply that's why I dream!!

Friday, September 20, 2013

A marriage is like a house!

A marriage is a lot like a house
While new it sparkles 
Fresh smells,fun surprises and new discoveries
make each day
Snap, crackle and pop.
As time passes by however things change
almost imperceptibly~
The grit of responsibility mixed with 
the grind of routine starts to take its toll
Suddenly we realize we are faced with a decision 
move out or stay  and remodel
Walk away from the embers or rekindle the fire...
Choose to endure & work with the embers to rekindle the fire
Be very courageous and encouraged!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year 2013!!!

New things...a new dawn!
By God's grace~
Reaching for higher goals, digging deeper wells...creating newer paths~
Forgetting our disappointments, our fears, our failures & all the wars lost~
Carrying our victories, accomplishments & trophies & moving forward...knowing that's it's by God's grace that we have come this far~
and that he has a perfect plan for our lives~
This year...with God's guidance...attempt something new...
Help a person in need, motivate, earn that degree, push yourself against the fear & go for it~ This is your year!
May perseverance, endurance, courage, persistence, fortitude & self control be part of your life~
May God go before you , stay beside you & go after you & guide you through out 2013!!
Have a blessed, healthy & peaceful 2013!!