Thursday, June 16, 2016

Denkyem Field Hockey Academy

Denkyem Field Hockey
My name is Ceciliah Ongweny. Iam a seasoned international field hockey player. I have been playing hockey for the past 20 plus years and I enjoy the game of field hockey. I have represented my country of origin, Kenya in numerous tournaments. I have a vision of passing the same invaluable skills I have been fortunate enough to learn and acquire to the younger generation, who are tomorrow's leaders, for the benefits listed below. I have gained tremendously from the game of field hockey and I hope I can  utilize this opportunity to positively influence and mentor our  developing children positively through the game of field hockey.
I look to establishing a form of exchange program whereby players from America will have the opportunity to visit other parts of the world including Africa particularly Kenya & Ghana and vice versa in a bid to encourage diversity and inclusion, playing our world to peace & harmony.
Exercise is a way of life πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
Jabbing SkillsπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

Dribbling skills πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

It's never too early to beginπŸ‘

Benefits of playing field hockey.

Field hockey is an extremely popular sport that is played by people all over the world. The aim of playing hockey is very simple and involves the use of sticks in order to dribble, shoot, and pass the ball through the entire length of the pitch. The main aim of each player is to score goals. The rules of hockey are quite similar to the rules of soccer except for the use of stick instead of the players’ feet.

The many health and fitness benefits of field hockey include:-

1. Helps to reduce body weight.
Hockey helps to reduce excessive body fat. The fast pace of te game requires short bursts of body energy that helps in burning huge number of calories. Each player burns an approximate number of 0.061 calories per pound, per minute. This amounts to a huge loss of body weight in the long run.

2. Develops the cardiovascular system of the body.
The constant requirement of energy and muscular strength that is required in playing hockey help in the development of the cardiovascular system of the body. The system that constitutes of lungs and heart, supplies the muscles with oxygen. Pumping of sufficient quantities of oxygen helps to improve the breathing and cellular activity.

3. Improves the muscle strength of the body.
Hockey helps to improve the strength of upper and lower body muscles. Playing hockey is an excellent way of developing the leg muscles, such as the hamstring, calves and hip muscles. It also aids in developing the endurance of triceps, forearms and shoulder muscles.

4. Develops coordination skills.
Playing hockey involves the coordination between the hands and the eyes. It also improves the spontaneous responses and reactions of the players during the game. Practicing this game aids in developing coordination abilities, improves hand-eye reflexes and reactive lively feet.
Playing hockey involves the communication of messages through eyes and gestures. This leads to the overall improvement in the communication skills of the players.
Playing hockey not only develops the basic social skills such as communication, team work, and individual persistence, but is also an enjoyable physical activity. It helps to build up speed; eye- hand coordination, endurance, and cardiovascular performance. Playing this team sport is an excellent way of improving the body health and fitness.

5. Develops the spirit of team work.
Playing with a team of eleven people develops the spirit of team work towards successful achievement of goals and victory. It raises the bar in the commitment of an individual to support her or his team in times of winning and in times of not winning. This prepares the players to deal with life issues as they happen and also to be supportive of each other in good and bad times.

6. Improves communication.
Playing hockey involves the communication of messages through eyes and gestures. This leads to the overall improvement in the communication skills of the players. Playing hockey not only develops the basic social skills such as communication, team work, and individual persistence, but is also an enjoyable physical activity. It helps to build up speed; eye- hand coordination, endurance, and cardiovascular performance. Playing this team sport is an excellent way of improving the body health and fitness.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Daddy thank you for your peace!

Peace is not the absence of trouble ; it is being calm within the storm 
Peace starts with forgiveness - & love of oneself and others 
My Peace I give unto you;not as the works gives-
This is peace that passes all understanding...
Many times people may wonder how peaceful you are about situations that would warrant disturbance... That's exactly the power of  the  peace of God within you!
Sometimes you are required to make tough decisions or endure difficult circumstances of life...
Just how do you pull through? Day after day? With every sunrise and even sunset ? From dawn to dusk? Without wishing the days would race by?During or after a storm, a tragedy or an unforeseen hurdle? It is the peace of God that passes all understanding! Thank you daddy for this peace that calms our hearts when life gets to a fearful bend! What blessed reassurance ! we are forever thankful! May peace , your peace prevail in your whole wide world!

Monday, June 9, 2014

Weathering the Storm~:))))

Life is a fight 
Life is for the living 
Life presents itself in many different shades
Life has seasons....
The real deal with life~ where the rubber meets the road
Is learning to weather the storms of life 
Learning to dance in the rain and not waiting for the storm to pass~
No one is entitled to anything in life 
It's not a guarantee...
Good things happens and bad things happen too~
It's easy to deal with good things ~ the real challenge is dealing with storms... The bad things ~
Rather than being a statement of resignation and give can choose to view the circumstance as a battle - as an opportunity to get better and therefore strive to overcome the challenge 
Unleash your resilience virtue and fight on till the last lap~
Do not give up- do not give in~
Strive to see clearly after the cloud has passed and look beyond to see the Rainbow!
That's how life is lived ~because it comes in different shades and we must learn to weather the storm and move on ~ do not get paralyzed in one season of life 
Weather the storm~pick yourself up and live life .... For life is for the living!-:)))

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mothers Day 
by Carol Matthews
A Mother loves right from the start.
She holds her baby close to her heart.
The bond that grows will never falte
Her love is so strong it will never alter.
A Mother gives never ending Love.
She never feels that she has given enough.
For you she will always do her best.
Constantly working, there's no time to rest.
A Mother is there when things go wrong.
A hug and a kiss to help us along.
Always there when we need her near.
Gently wipes our eyes when we shed a tear.
So on this day shower your Mother with Love.
Gifts and presents are nice but that is not enough.
Give your Mother a day to have some peace of mind.
Be gentle, be good, be helpful, be kind.
Happy Mothers Day. 

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Safe in the shepherd's arms...:)

The 23rd psalm is all about trust in God... 
The 23rd psalm reminds us of who God is...
The 23rd psalm reminds us that God is unchanging, uncaused and ungoverned...
change is constant... Days, health, weather, relationships etc change but God is a constant...
his love , his convictions, his mood, his plan is constant- God is our constant when everything else around us is changing...
Though God creates ... He was not created...
Though he makes...He was not made...
Though he caused....He was not caused...
Our God does not check the weather...He makes it...
Our God doesn't defy gravity...He created it...
Our God is not affected by health...He has no body...
Our God is omnipresent in all places in all times in all circumstances ....
God calms the storms and winds with a single word...He stills the storm~
Our God defeated the philosophers debate the meaning of life... He declares the meaning of life
Our God placed a zillion stars in the galaxy and a zillion galaxies and constellations in the universe
Our God of wonder puts billions of nerve cells together in a skull and calls it a brain~
And yes that's out shepherd who can visit you any time of day or night and calm you with a tenderness only Him can ...that's Our Shepherd~

Monday, January 20, 2014

Just think how special you are...:)))

Just think...
You're here not by chance ,
But by God's choosing.
His hand formed you and made you
The person you are.

He compares you to no one else~
You are one of a kind.
You lack nothing
That his grace can't give you
He has allowed you to be here 
At this time in history
To fulfill his special purpose
For this generation 

To every thing there's a season and a time to every purpose  under the heaven~Ecc. 3:1

Friday, December 27, 2013

Lord Thank you for 2013-Happy new 2014!!

Lord, we thank you for the year 2013-you have been our shepherd, you have led us to pastures green, you have set a table before our enemies & you have carried us through- we are forever grateful!
As we reflect back, we had our challenges but you O Lord was loving, caring & faithful enough to carry us through- we are thankful from the bottom of our hearts.
For we understand that challenges will always be there-that's what constitutes life-life comes in many colors, tones &presentations -bit it's not what happens to us; it is our reaction to what happens to us-the attitude we keep in whatever we face & always remembering to cling to the hem of your garment.
For we know that you are our creator & that you have perfect plans for us as promised. So we do not fret or fear, but we stand firm on your promises each single day, walking each & everyday by faith & not by sight! 
Renew our strength oh Lord and redirect us always to focus on whet truly matters!
Help us to be positive contributors to this world & leave it a better place.
Let us aim to preach forgiveness & love & help most people understand the very important issues of life -for we know most people are fighting some kind of battle.
Building relationships that are truly meaningful, helping others carry their loads, creating time to listen to others, sacrificing our resources to help the less fortunate!
Remind us O Lord that your report is  the most important report & it does not matter what anybody says-what you say is the most important report!
Thank you a Lord for all the doors you have opened for us- for healing us- for renewing our minds.
Where we hurt-you have consoled us & healed us-
In our mourning you turned it into dancing O Faithful one! We are thankful
We never lacked in any way-what we have needed thy hand has provided- you have answered our prayers.
Help us to continue clinging  to the hem of your garment O Lord-for that's all we need to pull through
For the hungry, feed them 
For the sick, heal them
For the discouraged, encourage
For the needy, provide 
For the lonely , may they experience your love
Help us O Lord to scale the heights of 2014 O Lord with confidence-knowing that you have gone before us! When you open doors for us-equip us with the confidence to go through for you have perfect plans for us!
We love you this day & forever! 
Happy New Year 2014-The Year of the Lord's favour!