Thursday, May 31, 2012

Cherish your friends and appreciate them...:)

When your world seems dark...
and everything feels blue...
a real friend turns on the light... 
and paints a different hue...

When skies are looking sunny...
and everything goes your way...
a friend is there to cheer you on
and celebrate your day..

And when the world is too busy...
to stop and listen to you...
a friend will stay all day long...
because their heart is true...

Cherish your friends and...
...let them know how much you appreciate them~

Monday, May 28, 2012

Brokenness...Vs Blessed...:)

You ask just why does God allow us through hard times-is it part if his love for us? How is that? why is that?
In life's shattering blows; it's hard to discern the blessing of God~
The death of a loved one, the loss of s job, a lingering tough illness, the abuse, a tough relationship, mistreatment...the list is endless...
These catalysts for brokenness all possess a wrenching pain and the possible power to forever change our lives~
The same catalysts also possess one more thing...when looked into/at with the right attitude...The potential for discovering a richness in living...that we would never see without being broken~
After brokenness we can experience God's greatest blessings...the dawn after a very dark night full of storms is glorious...Joy coming in the morning is just but ecstatic~
Our greatest therefore in brokenness is to look beyond the storm & see...get a glimpse of the promise of a blessing~
Brokenness-shifts our view from self- life to God's will for us~our ministry to other people & new dimensions of freedom, strength & peace-for all the trials you go through build your muscle...what doesn't kill you makes you stronger~
So...go ahead...pick up the pieces...with God's help...let him re- assemble the threads of your life into a wholeness that only the ones who've been through the oath of brokenness can ever know~^


A word is a sound or a combination of sounds, or it's representation in writing or printing...that symbolizes and communicates a meaning~
Most people speak 140-160 words a minute averaging to 1600 words per day~
Words kill... Words give life... Words can be either poison or fruit~
Our choice of words is critical for words reflect the condition of our hearts~
For out of the heart's overflow the mouth speaks~
Words affect us... affect our attitudes, actions & deeds~
Words impact others...attack character...question integrity...negate credibility & minimize confidence~
...and this is my best part...
Words can inspire hope, courage, assurance, inspiration & perseverance~
Words are irretrievable...therefore choose them carefully & aim at making your words fruit... Medicine & not poison~
As the psalmist put it in Psalm 19:14... Let the words of my mouth & the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength & my redeemer~Amen!!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Never say Die...:)

The size of your success is measured by the strength of your desire-...
...the size of  your dream and how you handle disappointment along the way-
~Robert Kiyosaki~
Let nobody discourage you,let them not tell you , you cannot,let them not tell you to quit in whatever you want to achieve-
Learn to listen to only the people who encourage you and bring out the best in you-
When life offers you lemons...make lemonade and enjoy life~
When life offers you limes...just turn the letters around and create a smile~
The future is very bright to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams for...
a life without dreams is like a garden without
when you get another NO...just smile and know that it stands for Next Opportunity...
so wake up everyday with purpose for you know you have a divine duty and you have dreams to chase~
~Never ever quit...never say die~

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Its not the troubles...its your reaction..:)

It's not the troubles that trouble you. It's the way you react to them.
What if you could choose not to let the troubles get to you? What if you could work your way through them while remaining positive and joyful?What if you could dance in the rain? What if you could sing in the storm?
Life's difficulties do not need your help. They are plenty difficult on their own, without you adding to them.
So make the choice not to add to them. Acknowledge their reality, deal effectively with them, but don't allow them to pull you down.
The way you feel is the way you choose to feel.It is a decision.
 Choose to feel powerful, choose to feel in control, choose to feel purposeful, abundant and joyful because at the heart of you... you are. 
The living spirit in you is stronger than any trouble you'll ever encounter. Remember that, feel its truth, and live your joy no matter what.
 "Life is like a coin. You can spend it any way you wish, but you only spend it once".
Lillian Dickson