Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Your dream!!

What do you do when someone takes away your dream?The deep insightful plan that you burnt the midnight oil trying to bring to reality?This one thing that felt like it was all you ever knew or will ever know?Any time you even thought of this one thing that will one day make you tick, that will make you dine with Kings and Princes; Queens and Princess'; you got this nice bubbly feeling that indeed life is worth living...
That's what you knew best; it defined you; it was the soft wind that seemingly blew your sails to destiny.All of a sudden, Voila! it comes tumbling down, someone got a hold of your precious dream and ran with it!
Am reminded of an old adage that whenever an idea is released to mankind; its released to not only one person but to many people.The quicker you're at grasping it, writing it down,  running with it, the better for you~for if you take your time and don't do that; someone else will definitely do it!
There's a reward to them that follow through their dreams, they achieve it eventually and eat the good of the land~no matter how long it takes.Not forgetting the fact that when you pursue your passion, the whole world conspires to ensure that you achieve it at whatever cost; whatever it takes!!
God promises us that no one can live your dream because the way you perceived it is  unique and only you can bring it to fruition clearly that way.
Don't give up no matter what~the world has unlimited resources.The fact that someone else has done it ; it doesn't mean that you cannot do it.There's always room for one more~You are unique; exercise your own uniqueness and present your dream uniquely just as you too are unique~
One person's last stop or destination might just be your station~a place of rest and rejuvenation  before per taking the next lap.
Therefore keep looking ahead and don't limit yourself~
Keep dreaming.Joseph never stopped dreaming.Even with all the upheavals from Potiphar's wife and his brothers, his dream was still intact!
Never ever stop dreaming!

Your future is as bright as God's Promises!

Do not be discouraged, by anything!
Keep on claiming God's promises.
God is the faithful promiser
Though you know not what awaits you~
What the future has in store for you; all the surprises!
Yet you KNOW the lord is Faithful
Whom you have often proved before
So keep on trusting,keep on the faith...
For your prospects are as bright as God's promises!!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Leave it ALL quietly to God!

Leave it,
all quietly to God...
the past mistakes,
that left the scars.
All the bitterness,
beyond control,
that mars His peace
Sometimes the negative demands its space and takes the toll on you...
Confess to Him... and leave knowing that;
all things work together for your good
and when release is brought...
You will be whole again; free again!
Its only for a while...a short while!
Leave it ALL quietly to God!

Our God knows best!!

Our Father knows whats best for us; so why should we complain?
We always want the sunshine but He knows there must be rain
We love the sound of laughter and the merriment of cheer;
but our hearts would loose their tenderness if we never shed a tear.
Our Father test us often with suffering and sorrow,He tests us not to punish us;
but to help us meet tomorrow.
For growing trees are strengthened when they withstand the storm and the rain and the sharp cut of the chisel.
God never hurts us endlessly and He never wastes our pain.
For every loss He sends to us is followed by rich gains.
And when we count the blessings naming them one by one,that God has so freely sent our way;
we will find no cause for mourning and no time for lament and complaint.
For God our Father loves His children and to him all things are plain.
So He never sends us pleasure when the soul's deep need is pain.
So whenever we are troubled and when all,yes everything goes wrong~
Its just God working in us, to make our spirit strong!!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Fruits of the Holy Spirit!

The unconquerable agape love of Jesus has 8 facets:
  1. Joy ~the felicity of love
  2. Peace ~the serenity of love
  3. Patience~the equanimity of love
  4. Kindness ~the magnanimity of love
  5. Goodness~the generosity of love
  6. Faithfulness~the integrity of love
  7. Gentleness ~the gentility/calmness of love
  8. Self control~the discipline of love
To love as God loves means  loving Spontaneously, unconditionally and impartially.
And love covers a multitude of sin!!

A marriage is like a house!!

A marriage is a lot like a house~
While new it sparkles,fresh smells,fun surprises and new discoveries make each day.
Snap, crackle and pop...
As time passes, however things begin to change...
almost imperceptibly the grit of responsibility mixed with the grind of routine;
starts to take its toll...
and suddenly we realize we are faced with a decision  to carry on and re model by rekindling the fire or give up and walk away from the embers.
Choose to reconcile and with God helping you rekindle the fire but if you must walk away;
then let go with grace and move on with courage!!

Do not be discouraged!!

Do not be discouraged and do  not fear failure!
Its not very often that we get it right on the first try or attempt
Sometimes it takes the second; the third or one hundredth try to make it work.
Understand that there will be failures and learn from them

Avoid judgment; if things are not turning out exactly as you envisioned;
do not get discouraged!
Just keep trying knowing well that~
some of the world's greatest inventions were borne from mistakes
So:do not be discouraged!Hang in there and keep trying!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Our children!!!

Our children are a precious gift from God
To nurture and to love
They need our consistent and constant help in guiding them
To turn their thoughts above.
Time spent with children is time wisely invested~

Our children are a precious gift from God
Each one unique and rare!
The playful times we spend with them
Express our love and care
Therefore some dads need to be as concerned about their offspring;
as they are about their golf swing and its development

These are precious jewels we are entrusted with as custodians to take care of on God's behalf!!
So lets give it our best shot parents!!

My prayer~My Desire~My wish~!

Since i pass this was but once~
my hope is that men,children and women,girls and boys
may be glad that i came
and regret that am leaving.
As i journey with my fellow men,
may i be privileged to bring joy; where sorrow once ruled
Smiles to replace the tears
To plant a flower of kindness; in those hearts where once the weeds of despair grew.
May i never falter as i step forward,
but should i stumble and fall
May the grace of God lift me up and start me forward;
going my way!

Will your anchor hold?

Will your anchor hold in the crises of life,down the narrow way where everyone hates you?
Will your anchor hold in the uncertainties of life when you fail that examination and everything goes blank?
Do you have an anchor that keeps your soul,your mind,your health,your body~so that although your outer body might be wearing out; your inner person is being renewed day after day?
Will your anchor hold in the strains of life when your best work is spurred and the people you are trying to help turn around to disown you and call you all sorts of names?
Will your anchor hold in these days when lovers of material wealth outnumber lovers of the creator?
Will your anchor hold when someone annoys you terribly?
Will you uphold your integrity as you exercise your anchorage by God's strength?
Will your anchor hold in times when promiscuity is offered for gain or for nothing?
Will your anchor hold in shady business deals that do not please the Lord?
~He called us to walk in a narrow way~will your anchor hold in the narrow way,the anchor that keeps the soul?steadfast and sure while the billows roll~fastened to the rock which cannot move,grounded firm and deep in the Savior's love?

Friday, August 20, 2010

Rest; if you must...but do not quit!!

Life does not always turn out exactly as we want or expect it to.Once i a  while it may give you a blow from which you think you cannot or never recover from.
However if you still have breath in you; always reel back and continue fighting,keeping the struggle in perspective,keep going~
For as yesterday is not today and today is not tomorrow:-) each day rises fresh from the hands of our Maker~God bringing with it all the blessings it will!
So; rest if you must but do not quit!
Get up and continue with you journey drawing strength from God and the freshness of  a new day with a new package of grace and love!!
Do not quit just as yet!

Slow me down...Lord!

Ease the pounding of my heart~
by the quieting of my mind.
Steady my hurried pace~
Give me amidst the day's confusion~
the calmness of the everlasting hills

Break the tensions of my nerves and the muscles~
with the soothing music of singing streams
that live in my memory.
Help me to know the magical restoring power of sleep~
Teach me the art of "minute vacations"...
slowing down to look at a flower,
to chat with a friend, to read a few lines from a good enriching book

Remind me of the fable of the hare and the tortoise~
that the race is not always to the swift ; that there's more to than measuring its speed
Let me look up to the branches of the towering oak and know~
that it grew slowly and well.
Inspire me to send my own roots down deep into the soil~
of life's endearing values...that i may grow toward the stars of my great destiny.

Slow me down...Lord!!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

To special people!

To special people~
for a special time~
for a special purpose~
with a special love~
For giving me so so much to share...
being always supportive, wonderful and loving...
for everything...
I thank God for you for you have raised me
and brought out the best in me!
God bless you all lots!!

God is good all the time!!

Wow!its another new day with mercies from my Father in heaven,what can i say?God is good all the time!!!
The Lord is my shepherd; i shall not want~
He lets me rest on pastures green~
He restores my soul~
I look to the hills; whence cometh my help?
My help comes from God; the maker of heaven and earth!!
You are never without a friend when you know God!!
For He alone knows the plans he has for you;
Plans to give you a hope and a future!
So stand on His Promises and His unfailing love
Which endures forever and ever and ever amen!!

Time Gone never to return!!

Time gone never regained
Today is today not yesterday.
Tomorrow wont be today.
You can say a word again
but not live a day again.
Make the best use of your time~
If you have a smile to smile;
smile at least once in a while
If you have a herd to tend~
bend your efforts and attend
If you have a song to sing~
sing and let it swing.
Do not postpone decision-making
Or else you will cloud your vision
For we have a few years to live sometimes with tears!