Saturday, August 18, 2012

Gratitude is the way of life....

Every day there are so many things we take for granted...
thy say you don't know what you've got until you loose it~
A perfect example is health or a job...that you call bad....
if only we could take time to appreciate the little things...
learn to change out attitudes around the not-so-good things....
learn to fit into God's perfect plan and put our fairy tales aside for a while...
we would be more fulfilled,more happy and more content with our simple lives...
if only we would thank God for what we've got and forget about what we do not have
Life ...would have new literally divert our efforts to the things that really matter...
the issues life...which all spring from our hearts...
its an effort every single day of our lives....a conscious effort to bring into focus...
the issues that really matter without getting distracted....its like a've got to focus on moving forward...without distractions from the left or right..sprinting towards the finish and staying strong to the finish without fainting or growing weary....this calls for daily reminding ourselves what really does matter...diverting our energies to the right stuff and choosing which battles are worth fighting ...not all are important...
Let us strive to stay focused and stay strong to the finish by fixing our eyes on the goal~Good luck!!

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