Thursday, July 19, 2012

Touching Lives....Empathizing...:)

Your soul needs regular times of retreat-
Strengthening your soul periodically changes you inside & inspires you to reach out-
Try putting yourself empathically in another person's shoes...
Read the newspaper, watch the news & interpret those stories as happenings to individuals loved by God-
Picture yourself as the mother trying to care for her family in the face of drought, famine, floods, ...through the hardships- the wife whose husband has died in war, children whose parents have died in an accident, the person who has been diagnosed with a terminal illness...
How do you feel?
What would you do next?
What do you need from others?
What do you long for from God? time for action...pray for all those you have read about or watched in the news....this is one of the simplest ways of touching lives that are far removed from your own-
Again do not stop there...Go further & resolve to open your eyes to the needs around you-to wear your compassion glasses...
It may not be your job in entirety to solve the world's problems...but you can make a difference in the lives of some of them-& that's all God expects from us... That we do our part to help those in need & to make the world a better place to live in-
For a cheerful heart does not count the cost of what he gives...His heart is set on pleasing & cheering him to whom the gift is given~

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