Monday, May 28, 2012


A word is a sound or a combination of sounds, or it's representation in writing or printing...that symbolizes and communicates a meaning~
Most people speak 140-160 words a minute averaging to 1600 words per day~
Words kill... Words give life... Words can be either poison or fruit~
Our choice of words is critical for words reflect the condition of our hearts~
For out of the heart's overflow the mouth speaks~
Words affect us... affect our attitudes, actions & deeds~
Words impact others...attack character...question integrity...negate credibility & minimize confidence~
...and this is my best part...
Words can inspire hope, courage, assurance, inspiration & perseverance~
Words are irretrievable...therefore choose them carefully & aim at making your words fruit... Medicine & not poison~
As the psalmist put it in Psalm 19:14... Let the words of my mouth & the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength & my redeemer~Amen!!

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