Monday, April 25, 2011

The Easter Season!!

The Easter Season has a new awakening to those who know what i also coincides with the freshness of spring...the smell of new flowers all blooming id different colors and the beautiful trees all flowery,pink red,yellow name it
This Easter season i reflect on having the right attitude in life...imagine if Christ would have not risen from the dead....that would have  been a finality...but just because he rose from the dead, we became conquerors of death, disappointments, fear, worry, mistreatment, being taken advantage of etc....therefore we should not stay at the tomb...let us rise and go tell the good news of the risen King!!who conquered death.Do not stay in your tomb of sin, tomb of low self esteem, tomb of misery,tomb of discontentment, tomb of sickness, tomb of poverty...just arise and shine for his glory has risen upon you!!
Leave it all behind in the sea of "no fishing" and match forward towards your victory...for Christ conquered the grave and all the misery that come with it!!!Have the attitude of the empty tomb!!!

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