I strongly believe that if you have faith especially in God...you can go places...you can conquer wars and you can get through anything...
You know....life has a way of surprising us with new changes every single day...in fact in life the only constant thing is change...so the more adaptable you are to change the more you survive...its almost telling us its survival for the most adaptive.
Its very important to stay strong and courageous to be able to handle or catch what life throws at you/us. Sometimes it sounds to me like a game...for you to catch a a ball or participate meaningfully in a game...you must play consciously...be a part of the game...you cannot catch the ball if you are spectating!!
So how do we do this....continue playing...continue dancing....don't let the grip of your life slip away....don't loose it....hold it tight and keep working at it!!!It may not be the music that you anticipated but continue dancing anyway!!For every day is a new day...a brand new day and how it comes out is entirely dependent on you...and your decisions...no matter what comes your way!!
Just develop the spirit of a conqueror and let nothing stop you from being joyful and reaping the best out of life!
Have that unrelenting hope....that undying will and you will go places with it especially in our storms!!!!