Peace is not the absence of trouble ; it is being calm within the storm
Peace starts with forgiveness - & love of oneself and others
My Peace I give unto you;not as the works gives-
This is peace that passes all understanding...
Many times people may wonder how peaceful you are about situations that would warrant disturbance... That's exactly the power of the peace of God within you!
Sometimes you are required to make tough decisions or endure difficult circumstances of life...
Just how do you pull through? Day after day? With every sunrise and even sunset ? From dawn to dusk? Without wishing the days would race by?During or after a storm, a tragedy or an unforeseen hurdle? It is the peace of God that passes all understanding! Thank you daddy for this peace that calms our hearts when life gets to a fearful bend! What blessed reassurance ! we are forever thankful! May peace , your peace prevail in your whole wide world!