The 23rd psalm is all about trust in God...
The 23rd psalm reminds us of who God is...
The 23rd psalm reminds us that God is unchanging, uncaused and ungoverned...
change is constant... Days, health, weather, relationships etc change but God is a constant...
his love , his convictions, his mood, his plan is constant- God is our constant when everything else around us is changing...
Though God creates ... He was not created...
Though he makes...He was not made...
Though he caused....He was not caused...
Our God does not check the weather...He makes it...
Our God doesn't defy gravity...He created it...
Our God is not affected by health...He has no body...
Our God is omnipresent in all places in all times in all circumstances ....
God calms the storms and winds with a single word...He stills the storm~
Our God defeated the philosophers debate the meaning of life... He declares the meaning of life
Our God placed a zillion stars in the galaxy and a zillion galaxies and constellations in the universe
Our God of wonder puts billions of nerve cells together in a skull and calls it a brain~
And yes that's out shepherd who can visit you any time of day or night and calm you with a tenderness only Him can ...that's Our Shepherd~